Back Acres Country Club

Back Acres Country Club

An unfortunately too familiar story, but BACC came to us because a previously contracted web developer promised but never delivered.  So they were understandably a little defensive with us in the beginning.  That all changed when we delivered the initial mock-up design.  We were smooth sailing after that and the project came in on time with high praise!

A few highlights from the project was the need by BACC to have the ability for their admins to easily update the country club’s calendar.  We delivered on this by integrating a Google calendar feature into the site.  The admins just log in to the clubs Gmail account and update any time they need.  The site then immediately reflects those changes.

Next, we also produced two videos which you can watch below.  One was to allow current and prospective members the ability to fly over each of the golf course holes and view it from a birds eye level.  Lastly, we created a “Why Join” marketing video that discusses the perks of joining BACC.

Galler Foods


Muscle Car Video


Keystone Planning Partners


Titan Customs
